Neural Systems Group (NSG) is home to brain imaging specialists, neuroscientists, behavioral and computational scientists, and biomedical and electronic engineers.
We develop multi-modal and non-invasive biomedical systems that expand the frontiers of brain monitoring and address public health challenges through integrative methods.
NSG advances help improve our understanding of human behavior and cognition in a range (lab, research, clinical, medical, remote and dynamic) of settings.

At NSG we conduct functional, physiological, neurocognitive and behavioral assessments and research using portable brain imaging devices that integrate functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), EEG, blood pressure and eight other physiological measures.
The majority of our research focuses on investigations into cognition, operational performance, and behavior in unique populations (astronauts, first responders, medical personnel, football players, surgical patients), often in isolated, extreme and confined environments.
Longstanding collaborators include the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, European Space Agency, US National Institutes of Health, German Space Agency, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston Fire Department, Baylor College of Medicine, Emory University, and the NFL.

Expertise Behind NSG Innovations
Health and human performance in extreme environments.
Spaceflight health.
Portable brain imaging and physiological monitoring.
Biomedical engineering and device development.
PTSD, traumatic brain injury, poly-trauma.
First responder occupational health.
Emergency and disaster medicine.
Thing is, over 1 billion people around the world suffer from a full-blown mental disorder with tens of millions more burdened by negative health and well-being outcomes exacerbated by restrictive COVID-19 pandemic measures. With negative health trends on the rise we have been broadening our scope.
Our hope is to push the limits of neurophysiological monitoring and advance multi-modal brain research, cognitive science, and clinical applications—taking them out of labs and hospitals and into the world.
The future of neuroscience and understanding human brain function and behavior depend on science carried out in a multitude of contexts. We strive to measure brain responses in diverse groups of people in “real world“ settings to capture “real-time response” data.
Our technologies, resources, and educational protocols have been used in spaceflight research, parabolic flight, psychophysiology studies in high altitude (mountaineering), confined and extreme (firefighting, Antarctica, NASA analogs), as well as research, lab, and clinical settings (meditation, sleep, anesthesia, bedrest and tilt tests).
Meet Our Team

Gary Strangman, PhD
Behavioral and computational neuroscientist

Quan Zhang, PhD
Biomedical engineer and engineering lab director

Vladimir Ivkovic, PhD
Integrative physiologist and translational neuroscientist

Aleksandra Stankovic, PhD
Human factors researcher and administrative director

Keerthana Karunakara, PhD
Pain Investigator

Mohammed Almadi, PhD
Biomedical engineering post-doc

Bryan White, MS
Clinical Research Coordinator